State Fair Observations
Fair Park, Dallas, TX | October 28, 2018
“On your mark, get set, get wet!” - a water gun game carney
Hear: whistles, rap, paper cups hitting the inside of trash cans, darts popping balloons, waves of screams from the swinging Pirate Ship, the intrusive honking of a Midway ride
Smell: fried food batter, Fletcher’s corn dogs, weed, grease, cigarettes
Touch: chilly metal Midway picnic table against skin, the waist band of my previously roomy shorts cutting into my now bloated stomach
Taste: agave lime beer, elote burps, mustard and corn bread from my third Fletcher’s of the evening
See: small, skinny white boy doing subtle dabs by the basketball game, two referee shirt-clad carnies hyping him up for another round of unsuccessful throws, neon lights, an unattended child sitting in the middle of a busy Midway sidewalk puddle.