Lobby Observations

Mesquite, TX | January 4, 2019

I am people-watching while waiting for physical therapy. I am nestled between other patients in the Urgent Care Lobby. I hear Spanish and English intertwined with an extraterrestrial History Channel program.

“Could we actually clone an extraterrestrial? More after the break.” 

Sitting across from me is a man with a prosthetic leg. He is wearing a sock and a sandal on his plastic foot, along with cargo shorts and a camo shirt. He is very focused on the question the History Channel has proposed. He is in shock, as if he is hearing about alien clones for the first time here, in the Concentra waiting room.

Next to the man perplexed by aliens sits a twenty-something year old with four broken fingers on the same hand. They are texting with their one available, unbroken finger while balancing a cell phone on their other hand, which is also heavily bandaged. With each scroll through Instagram, the young person winces in pain. Yet they keep on scrolling with the only in tact finger on their person.

A young woman just opened the front door, assessed the crowd of patients, and heard someone with a face mask cough. She audibly said “nope” and promptly left the building. She peeled out of the parking lot with great haste, probably because she’d rather watch the History Channel at home.


Roller Rink Observations


Simply Falafel