Rivermont BierHaus
During my time as General Manager of Rivermont BierHaus, I completed a full rebrand of a neighborhood staple. I used elements from the original logo and updated them to reflect the modern, approachable space the venue had become. A custom typeset, color pallet, logo, monthly calendars and social media marketing brought Rivermont BierHaus into the up and coming small business community of Lynchburg, Virginia.
Events like live music, trivia and private events were enhanced with custom menus and graphics. Simplifying the old eight page menu into a sleek two sided menu made it easier for customers to find their favorites and prioritize the restaurant’s best features. New cocktail menus and recipes accessed a new demographic of customers that preferred spirits to the 32 taps of local beer and cider. In my time overseeing the marketing, events and operations of Rivermont BierHaus the business grossed over $500,000 in sales.