Route 66 Rodger


Edmond, OK | May 17, 2020

I hit a raccoon tonight on Route 66.

I pulled over and was kindly helped by a thin former auto body mechanic riding a bike while holding a gas station orange and smoking a cigarette. His name was Rodger and he is in Edmond, OK because of his ex wife and brother. They had a threesome while Rodger was in jail for a few years. “I told him to look over my wife and children, not to fuck my wife in a threesome, ya know?” 

Apparently he learned of this threesome, not from his wife nor his brother, but from the 20-something girlfriend that fucked em both.

Whilst underneath the front bumper of my car, Rodger got raccoon blood on his fingers and mentioned that it smelled like the “little bugger had just gotten out of the river.” I retrieved a few Clorox wipes from my car for him and Rodger continued his story.

“My brother’s girlfriend felt real awful ‘bout it and came to tell me while I was in jail. I still had like, a year left in the place, ya know?” As he shimmied out from popping my bumper back into place and wiped his bloodied hands off, I noticed Rodger had a joint tucked behind his ear. There are more CBD Dispensaries than gas stations in Edmond. “When I got out and confronted my cheatin’ wife and brother bout it, they denied it. Fucked up, ya know?” 

Rodger helped me pop the front bumper back into place and I gave him 10 dollars in cash. Before I drove away he told me that he saw me from afar and thought I was gorgeous. “Hey, I’m not afraid to say what I mean, ya know?”


Overheard at Lady Bird Lake